Furious Volume 1: Fallen Star

“A very different, very offbeat take on a female crime fighter. The book has a unique look and a unique voice, and this goes on the top of my to-read pile.” —Mark Waid (Daredevil)
“A ‘darker’ take on superheroes that doesn’t flounder in the exhaustively overdone tropes of ‘grim ’n’ gritty,’ Furious hits a lot of new emotional notes, and looks really good doing it.” —Tim Seeley (Revival)
“Relentless. A superhero story with layers, depth, and teeth. The book careens like a car racing on a track—you hang on tight for every twist and turn. The quite unique art and color carry the story with refreshing energy and at every turn in this action-packed ride the reader is forced to think, which happens far too rarely in superhero comics these days!” —Nathan Edmondson (Black Widow)
Furious delivers an emotional punch to the superhero genre that only creators like Glass and Santos could deliver; it’s a unique take on the genre you won’t find anywhere else.” —Michael Avon Oeming (The Victories, Powers, The Mice Templar)
“Every page of Furious is full of dynamism and energy and the use of color is dazzling! I cannot wait to buy a copy! It is pure comic book magic!” —Mark Buckingham (Fables)
“The Citizen Kane of punchy, slappy, hitty anger-management superheroine comics.” —Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman)


Do we build our heroes up just to watch them fall?

In the modern era of unending celebrity gossip, twenty-four-hour news networks, constant media coverage, and the scrutiny that comes with it, life isn’t easy for people in the public eye. And it’s especially difficult when you’re Furious, the world’s first superhero.

Furious seeks to atone for the past sins that haunt her daily by doling out rage-fueled justice. She could be a hero to the world—if she doesn’t get in her own way first. She’s learning that heroes need to figure out their own motives before the wrong people get hurt, but a ghost from her past is bent on foiling her noblest efforts.

And if the media finds out who Furious really is, they’re going to rip her to pieces!

Written by Bryan J. L. Glass (The Mice Templar), with kinetic art by co-creator Victor Santos (The Mice TemplarPolar: Came from the Cold), Furious: Fallen Star turns our celebrity-obsessed gaze on the first superhero.